What to expect at your first appointment

We're here to help

Once you have self-referred to TALKWORKS, you'll be offered an initial appointment with one of our NHS therapists. It's completely normal to feel nervous about what to expect in this appointment and if our service is going to be right for you, but please be assured that we are here to help you. 

In your first appointment, we will ask some questions to understand how you are feeling, what difficulties you are experiencing and the impact that this is having on your life. We know that it can be hard to open up about your problems, but our therapists are here to listen to you and support you, in a non-judgemental, environment.

Even if you aren't quite sure about how you are feeling or what's going on; we can help you to make sense of things. We can also link you in with other services who may be able to provide you with additional support. 

If you have not yet self-referred to TALKWORKS, you can do so by referring yourself for support online, or by calling us on 0300 555 3344 (our phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am - 4:45pm). All of our treatment and support is confidential, and provided completely free of charge, as we are an NHS service (part of Devon Partnership NHS Trust).

Self-refer to TALKWORKS