James thanks TALKWORKS

Posted by Admin on 5 May, 2022

James previously used TALKWORKS when he was struggling with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In the below passage, he opens up about how reaching out to TALKWORKS has helped him to get his life back on track:

“I contacted TALKWORKS specifically over the problems caused by OCD. My household checking procedures over decades had gone into the realm of car driving, and as a result, I was spending lots of time checking, and had avoided driving for 15 years. I would review journeys in my mind to ensure that I had not caused any accidents, checking websites and listening for news reports.

My OCD robbed me of the confidence to go to places when I needed to, and helping others with lifts. When I heard about TALKWORKS and what they offered, I knew I had to take steps to ask for help.

Making contact by telephone was very easy and reassuring - and within a month I was completing online modules which helped outline my problems and needs. The information with these modules is excellent. From there, I was offered 20 - High Intensity CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) sessions.

During these sessions, I was given exercises to work through and complete by a very professional and understanding therapist. With regular exercises and practices, I have addressed my checking and now save hours per week. The greatest thing of all is that I am now back in the driving seat of my car, with all the freedom that it brings!

Overcoming doubts and fears caused by OCD can be a challenge when you face them head on – like when I did my first ‘solo drive’ as part of a session. However; TALKWORKS also gave me the tools and strategies to deal with anxiety. Most importantly - a year on – I have not slipped back.

I would want to encourage anyone who may find it difficult to ask for that initial help in any aspect of their mental health - to make that call - today!”

If you are experiencing low mood, feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, and are in need of support, you can talk to TALKWORKS. We are a team of qualified psychological wellbeing practitioners and psychological therapists, offering both face to face and remote appointments across Devon (excluding Plymouth - if you live in Plymouth, please contact Plymouth Options), to help you feel more like yourself again.

We are an inclusive service and we welcome referrals from people aged 18+, no matter their race, gender, sexuality or religion. You can refer yourself to TALKWORKS without needing to see a GP first, either by calling us on 0300 555 3344, or filling in the self-referral form here.