Kat thanks TALKWORKS for helping her

Posted by Admin on 5 July, 2022

As a service, TALKWORKS helps people of all different backgrounds. In the below passage, we spoke to Kat (aged 60) who shares with us how receiving help from TALKWORKS has enabled her to get through a really tough period in her life:

"TALKWORKS DOES WORK! For many years I was suffering from intense stress from an outside source which was beyond my control, and then Covid-19 started. I found it extremely difficult to cope and was becoming acrophobic, and even suicidal. I was having intense nightmares and suffered from insomnia.

Anxiety was my daily companion - my body felt like it was "wired up" all the time, and I was having panic attacks. After I moved, my mental health didn't improve, and the pandemic added extra challenges. That was the point that I decided I need help as couldn't go on the way I was.

I started receiving therapy from TALKWORKS and was then referred to get further support from a High Intensity Psychological Therapist in the service. I can honestly say, this has been a life saver! Through completing homework and video sessions with the therapist, I've improved so much. I still have work to do, and have a relapse plan, but I'm feeling so much better. I’m strong enough to continue to improve with the tools given to me, and if things get difficult I can always go back to TALKWORKS - it's like a safety net. 

I'm truly grateful for all the help I've received, I can't thank them enough! I would encourage anyone who is struggling out there, regardless of what age you are, to get in touch with TALKWORKS. They are just brilliant!"

If you are experiencing low mood, feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, and are in need of support, you can talk to TALKWORKS. We are a team of qualified psychological wellbeing practitioners and psychological therapists, offering both face to face and remote appointments across Devon (excluding Plymouth - if you live in Plymouth, please contact Plymouth Options), to help you feel more like yourself again.

We are an inclusive service and we welcome referrals from people aged 18+, no matter their race, gender, sexuality or religion. You can refer yourself to TALKWORKS without needing to see a GP first, either by calling us on 0300 555 3344, or filling in the self-referral form here.